1st Entry: Part Deux - 08.23.01 - 10:31 pm

'Fuck it' is the phrase of the day for I no longer care about learning basic HTML to format this page till it's more to my liking. So what if I think it's ugly as sin? I can deal.

Anyway, I said I would do all the introduction bullshit once I figured out how to change the page. Since I never *did* figure it out, does that mean I'm exempt from introducing myself? I think it does.

Top 5 Things I Will Do With This Diary

1)Write every day, or in the case of today, twice

2)I will not talk about boys. Hence the title. Exceptions include mentioning a boy in passing, writing about a boy whom I have no 'feelings' for, and bitching about the gender as a whole. No reason for this rule. I just think writing about boys stifle my creative energies.

3)I will never write 'I don't want to talk about it'...well, more than twice a month.

4)No drunk entries. While I may find drunk musings hilarious, others do not. I give myself about a week before there's a entry solely of me talking about how Christian Slater *must* make out w/me. Alcohol causes my less-than-current crushes to come out.

5)Umm. Oh, I know. I'll use this to record how often I cut cuz I need some solid form of proof that I've made it however long it has been.

That is all for right now.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06