Jimmy Fallon and pudding. Not together, you sick (yet creative) little monkeys - 05.07.02 - 1:48 pm

Just once, I would like a marriage proposal out of love and not for green cards or tax breaks. Just once.

I don't really want to talk about it.

I just ate a tub of pudding. W/a fork. We have spoons but I grabbed a fork, instead, and didn't notice until I was sitting down at the table. I didn't feel like getting back up to get a spoon.

Yes, it's still hot as balls and blinking makes me break a sweat. Why do you ask?

I had a Jimmy Fallon dream last night. There was no making out, but I did ask him for directions to an Italian restaurant. Then I overheard him talking to a friend about me. He said "Molly X. I know that name. She's that little weird girl I went to church with."

I wonder if this is a sign or premonition...? Not the part about going to church w/Jimmy Fallon, though. Maybe one day when I'm all famous, he'll say "Molly X. I know that name. She's that hot little number who gave Josh Hartnet the finger on Letterman. Where is she? I'd like to make out w/her."

Yep. It's a premonition, alright.

Speaking of gettin' famous, I have to go write some stories.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

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My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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