I guess it'd be different if they thought we were human - 05.23.02 - 12:11 am

So they found Chandra Levy.

You know, when she first went missing and the police used all that man-power trying to locate her, I was pissed. How many fucking women go missing every day w/out so much as a peep from law enforcement? They don't get months of searching or the FBI. They don't get all that news coverage.

Hell, how many women DIE every day and get only a fraction of the effort given to the Levy case to catch the killer? Green River, Juarez, that little girl who was raped and murdered one county over which to this day still gives me nightmares. Few people can tell you they know about these cases. Every one knows about Chandra Levy.

Then I read that her body has been in that park for a long time...since she disappeared. The park that they say they searched high and low.

Oh, but wait. They didn't search the area where her body was because it was "too remote".

Too remote.

I can't even think about this. I don't even want to think about this.

What now?

It's been too long to get pretty much any evidence from the body. How will they find out who did this? Cross their fingers over railroad tracks and wish for a confession? Fucking Christ, man.

Too remote.

I hope to god that that was a misquote and MSNBC will publish an apology tomorrow or something. Cuz they did search that area, right? A woman was missing and no stones were left unturned, right?


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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06