Truth can suck my butt - 05.29.02 - 11:29 pm

I just heard a news segment about how the Truth ads may actually be working.

The hell?

I went to The Draft House to watch a movie a few weeks. TDH is a cafe slash movie theatre where you can smoke and eat the Best Nachos Ever while watching a movie. The extended version of the Truth musical showed right before the film started.

Now, it says something about the effectiveness of the ads when the entire damn audience sang along to the whole thing. It also says something when the opening music for the movie was almost completely masked by the sound of dozens of lighters lighting cigarettes.

Memorable? Yeah. Effective? My ass.

Truth has tied my undies in a knot ever since its conception. Those undies were engulfed in flames of hatred when I saw one ad from a year ago.

OK, the point of this one was how Big Tobaccoo targeted minorities by placing more cigarette ads in areas highly populated by minorities. You see the Truth jackals riding through a mainly white neighborhood, counting the ads in corner stores. Then they're a-ridin' through the 'other' part of town.

One of them says something along the lines of hoping the car was bulletproof. They laugh and la la la there are more cigarette ads in the windows than the white neighborhood. End commercial.

First thought. You miserable little shits. Way to perpetuate stereotypes. I hope the reason I never saw that particular ad again was because a gajillion people complained. Fuckers.

Second thought. Judging by the amount of venom felt towards Truth by the general population, maybe a bulletproof car is a good investment.

Anyhoo, I did something bad before going into work tonight. I had to ground myself somehow to prevent yesterday's near breakdown. It's not bad. Just one or two on my shoulder. I've done worse.

I didn't see LBC. And I'm still waiting for the wagers. C'mon. This guy is hunky, personified. And he has great grammar! Put your bets down now.

And my ass still hurts.

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