Fuck you, short description - 06.20.02 - 12:26 am

There are a lot of toads. Little ones a bit bigger than a quarter. They're jumping around and making lots of noise. I have to watch my step shile walking through my yard lest I squish one.

Did I mention they are really loud?

I think they're fornicating.

I haven't been in the mood to update lately. Sorry. Work has been crazy and the computers are fucking up all kinds of ways. Imagine a library w/out access to computer records. Imagine an assload of assholes who believe the earth revolves around them. Now crush those thoughts together and you'll have my week.

Asshole who thinks she's the sun: You know, this is very inconvenient.

Molly: No shit, fuck head.

Another asshole who thinks he's the sun: Can't you do anything about the computers?

Molly: Sure we can, but we like to see that vein bulging in your neck, fuck head.

And yet another asshole: You have ADHD, don't you?

Molly: Huh? Fuck head.

I really really want a monkey who'll be trained to massage my feet and cook me french fries w/cheese. Or Jimmy Fallon.

Oh, and I got another rejection.


What the hell are those optional fields things? Where did they come from? Should I be interested in their use?

Fuck this shit. I want to order some stuff online. Nothing like a little drunken internet shoppping to make me happy.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06