Public - 06.21.02 - 5:42 pm

Friday, Friday, Friday.

It's Friday, right?

My sense of time is all kinds of messed up this week. My mother has taken the week off, therefore every day feels like a Sunday. I'm in the middle of my three days off, so that, too, fucks w/my head.

All I know is that it is summer.

Anyway, a very good friend of mine has gotten a journal here on Dland. I won't link to her yet as I'm not sure she's read my email regarding this here diary.

You see, not very many people in my life know about this place. Hell, no one does. I may have told an uncle and maybe a friend who doesn't have internet access, but that's it. Oh, wait. That friend's boyfriend also knows.

But the people I speak to on a daily basis...nope.

There's honestly no reason for this diary remaining unknown to all my close friends. I just don't care for them to know. There are some people that I would not, under any circumstances, want reading this...That Boy for example. Not because I'm keeping secrets from him, but because he doesn't deserve the right to have daily access to my head. But, hey, if he finds this, I won't freak out. After all, this diary is public.

So, yeah. I don't know what I'm getting at here. I think I'm trying to write the obligatory "what I think about keeping a public diary" entry, but am failing miserably.

Eh. Fuck it.

Hooray for friends w/developing similar addictions!

Oops. Almost forgot to mention that maybe I'm not so freaked cuz this friend who has started her own diary is someone I've been thinking about sharing this diary with. Cuz she rocks like that.

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