Fuck Boys, OK? - 07.24.02 - 1:14 pm

Oh, sweet Jesus.

I just saw Jimmy Fallon on the TV and he was talking about making out and, dude, yes. Granted, he then proceeded to make out w/Natalie Portman, but whatever.

Just in case you're wondering, I'm going to make out w/Jimmy Fallon. Really.

Which reminds me...when did MTV2 stop showing videos? What is this shit, man? I like Busta and all, but I want music videos. MUSIC. VIDEOS.

Poor Howie. It's raining and he doesn't like the rain, so I brought him into the living room. He thinks he wants to go back outside, but if I let him, he'll just stand there all hunched over until the patheticness gets to me and I bring him back in.

Hee. I think he knows I'm writing about him.

And then there's the tortoise. He is licking the glass of his cage. Over and over again. It's funny, yet very freaky. His tongue is as wide as my thumb.

This is random and disjointed and I apologize. I have no excuse.

Tonight, May and I will be going to Wal-Mart so I can buy a tackle box for my beads. Then we will go to the diner. Because I am a sad, sad girl.

Part of me is thinking that maybe I should abstain from going to the diner for a week or so. You know, that hard to get dealy-o.

Except that part of me is the corrupted, stupid area of my persona that makes me buy Cosmo every month. I don't like that part of me and I will do my best to ignore it.

But, still. I really want to talk to him, but I don't want to fuck up.

Should I stay or should I go. Again, not a question I feel like asking.

Aw, shit. David Bowie's "Heroes" is on. I'm going to go cry now.

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