Who's House? - 08.07.02 - 12:57 am

So do you remember that play contest thing I entered that really freaked me out cuz I only had an hour to put together a writing sample and I didn't exactly have any plays to send so I wrote four pages in fifteen minutes and sent that?

Do you?

Well, you should know now cuz I just ranted about it and linked an entry w/an even more detailed rant.


Now you're probably wondering why I'm mentioning it and just when the fuck is she...ah, fuck it.

They picked me.


Hell, rock squared.

I can't even begin to describe how happy I am knowing that I have not lost IT, whatever IT is that makes people like what I write. And to top it off, I get to write a PLAY. And work w/THEATRE PEOPLE. I love theatre people. They never get frustrated when I go off on tangents while explaining something. Nor do they make fun of my animated speaking habits.

Wow. I forgot what it was like to feel this way. Just...yeah.

OK, so work didn't suck because the whole night I kept thinking about the play I'm going to write and subsequently incorporating the patrons into the script. Lots of interesting people for me to manipulate.

The Walking Sex didn't come in tonight even though Tuesday is the night he always comes and I had just decided that I was going to make out w/him. Bummer. (I know I've mentioned him before, right? The totally foxy guy who is more than ten years older than me, but daaaamn, I would so make out w/him).

I think I need help. I can't stop talking about making out w/people.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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