A New Low - 09.10.02 - 12:36 pm

It's funny how a split second of your life can fester in your head for hours and hours, causing regret that should usually be reserved for things like, oh, I don't know, getting a three inch tall tattoo of "Space for Rent" on your forehead.

Wanna know what happened? Sure, you do.

I was in the video room last night. LBC was in line at the circulation desk. He looked back at me. I smiled and mouthed "hi". The end.

I am officially and hundred percent totally a nerd.

Not because I mouthed "hi" at a cute boy, but because for the rest of the night, I fretted that I looked like an idiot.


I called my friend on my break to lament and he said, "Why don't you just talk to him?" That would be the appropriate thing to do, no?

Yet, if a split second can cause so much bullshit, can you imagine what actual words and communication could do? It would be...devastating.

Blah. This is making me stupid. I am stupid. Just a boy, cha cha cha. I suck muchly, cha cha cha.

Ahem. In other news, the reference librarian found a belt in the computer. In a possibly related occurence, my supervisor found a used condom in the computer room.

Well, at least someone was getting their groove thing on in the library last night.


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