You could have it all - 02.25.03 - 12:23 am

I did that really stupid thing before I went to work today. I did that stupid thing for no reason other than I felt like it. It's not bad at all nor am I upset at's just sometimes you have those days where you want to go so low, the only way left is up.

So, one way to look at it is I had a sucky afternoon, but a great night. Yes.

Hello. How are you doing? That's great. Or horrible. I hope things continue this way/get better soon.

I am sharing the computer chair with two cats. This is not cute, so shut up. Half my ass is asleep and one of them is farting. A lot. Oh, hee. If I poke the fat one, he makes a noise that's really funny. You should hear it.

Anyway, it's getting harder and harder to maintain a straight face with the stupid questions I get on a nightly basis. I was shelving a cart of books deep in the bowels of non-fiction. Now, our non-fiction section looks just like your local library's non-fiction section in that it has lots of large, serious looking books. This woman came up to me and asked "Is this your adult section?" First thought- Damn, lady, way to make it sound dirty. I answered yes and before I could stop myself, raised my eyebrows and peered at her over the top of my glasses. OK. That is so totally a librarian thing. I should get into library school, no problem.

Except there is no such thing as library school. Yeah, be quiet.

Oh, wait. Is there library school?

Anyway, she then asked me where a book title. I was just about to tell her to go to reference when she shoved a piece of paper in my face with the Dewey number on it.

"This isn't alphabetical!" she said.

No, it's numerical.

"So where the hell is this book?"

I just pointed. Pointing is all I could do, I realized, without getting my ass kicked for being a snot.

I know she found what she was looking for since her male companion joined her and proceeded to loudly discuss the book and then, fuck me if I know why, her mother's health problems. And then they argued.

By the way, the book? That she was looking for? It was about starting your own telemarketing business. Cross you fingers, folks. She may be calling your ass some day soon.

I totally can't feel my ass right now. At all. And now my leg is numb. Stupid, adorable cats.

Oh, dude. I almost forgot. I finally saw the video for Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails' Hurt. It seems I do still have a heart because that video fucking tore it out and threw it against a wall. Oh my god. If you can watch that video and not cry then YOU HAVE NO SOUL.

OK, I'm going to go eat an orange or something. Oranges are happy fruit.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

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