Don't ask me, I don't give a damn - 02.26.03 - 12:35 am


I need you.

To help me.

OK, I've thought of another project involving blank tapes, music, and insomnia.

This project is entitled Fuck Yr War/Gimme a Hug, Brother and it's a two-part compilation of anti-war songs, past and present.

I guess you know where I am going with this, don't you?

I would really, really like it and love you forever and a day if you'd take a moment and suggest an anti-war, protest and/or anti-government song. Or several anti-war, protest and/or anti-government songs, if you're feeling kicky.

I've already got a pretty decent list going but when I realized I had been thinking about this for days and not once thought of any Bob Dylan song, I realized I am more than likely missing some really good songs.

Now, there are a couple bands I am avoiding completely because I either dislike them or are sick of them. And those bands are the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd. I know, I know. Roger Waters' dad, WWII, complex. I don't care. I have heard enough Pink Floyd to last me many lifetimes.

Hopefully, when I figure out the song list, I'll be able to have one tape of peace-promotin' and one tape of just...well, anger and action. That does not make sense. OK. How about one tape will have Buffalo Springfield and the other will have Anti-Flag. I'm going for different moods here...there's give peace a chance and then there's "Yeah, the President sucks/ He's a warpig fuck." Am I making sense, yet?

I really don't feel like writing right now and this entry was only supposed to be a couple paragraphs. Christ. I need to get to bed.

Help me. I love you.

Tomorrow, I will give you a real entry. Tonight, I just don't feel like writing.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06