This is not really a movie review - 01.03.03 - 12:51 am

I am very tired right now and if this is riddled with misspellings and unwarranted insults directed towards your mom, I apologize in advance.

I should have fallen asleep two hours ago.

Anyway, tonight I went out for tofu pad thai with my Christian friend and mistakenly thought she had plans to set me up with a boy until she triple fucking swore she wasn't. Actually, that would be "triple freaking swear". I've only heard my Christian friend say fuck once and that was when she was singing along to a song on the radio and filling in the bleeps.

She had mentioned that she was meeting two guy friends at the movies and would I like to go along? I'm all, OK. Then I thought wait a minute. This smells of trickery. It's been nearly a month since someone has attempted to set me up with a boy and that could mean extensive plotting. Or something. I don't know. I haven't worn my tinfoil hat in a week and those paranoid rays from the government are probably wrecking havoc on my brain.

I should probably mention right here that set-ups and I don't get along. This may have to do with the fact that the person usually behind these set-ups only used boys that she had been interested in/were friends with a boy she was interested in. Because of this, I hate it. Also, it seems that set-ups are usually done out of a friend's fear that I will end up a chain-smoking old cow out to pasture and any boy will do. Really. Do you want to be alone your whole life, Molly? Huh? Huh? Yeah, shut the fuck up. Cows have dignity.

Anywho, I think I've gotten way too sensitive about the whole thing because my Christian friend seemed almost hurt that I would suggest such a thing. I apologized and off we went to the movies.

I guess I had an OK time, even though the movie's script SUCKED ASS. My Christian friend's friends were nice enough and one of the boys even amused me before the movie and had a Clash patch on his hoodie. I though, rock, if this movie sucks, he'll help me insult all those even remotely involved with it.

Except, no. The boy kept poking my arm and cracking the dumbest jokes. As the movie droned on, his jokes got stupider. Hell, I got stupider. And afterwards, he made mention of all the naked boobies and said it was inappropriate. Oh, I don't know. I was kinda thinking the MASSIVE amounts of BLOOD squirting EVERY THREE MINUTES was a little much, but yeah. Those boobies really made me sick.

OK, so the blood didn't bother me, either. But, dude, mention the boobs then mention the blood. Cuz there was a lot of both.

And for all you gentlemen who enjoy sitting in the back row wearing trench coats and keeping Kleenex in business, the movie was Gangs of New York.

I was disappointed, by the way. The movie was so close to being really fucking good, but I couldn't get past the writing. Seriously. Everything else was awesome...the fighting, the clothes, the scenery, the music, the mannerisms of the actors. Everything. And then the script fucked it all up.

OK, I need to get to bed. Tomorrow, I thing I'm going to update my Table Of Contents thing. Yeah. Fun times.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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