I think someone should make out with me so I'll have something new and interesting to write about - 01.31.03 - 3:03 am

Everybody should go tell May a joke. It'll only take a second and she could really use some good things right now. Go.

I am so full of love right now. And muscle relaxers. Can't forget the muscle relaxers.

I had plans to buy a bunch of cheap wine and stay up all night writing stories, but then my neck started to hurt. Then my back. Then my head. Things were not good.

So I took the last of my pills and read Joyce Carol Oates' new book of short stories until about an hour ago when I decided that I wanted some ice cream. Of course, as soon as I was all happy about the ice cream, I remembered that the kind I have right now promises fudge swirl but there is no fudge swirl. It's more like chocolate frosting and not the gooey shit, which is so totally wrong that I should write the company an angry letter. Not that there's anything wrong with frosting and ice cream merrily sexin' it up in some kind of torrid carton of lust, but you know. When you want fudge swirl, you want fudge swirl. So no ice cream.

Anyway, as I was walking through the grocery store tonight in search of cheap wine, I saw the PREMATURE display of Valentine's Day candy. I thought, hey, some truffles sound really fucking good right now, but I kept walking to the booze because that was the mission.

That got me thinking.

It'd be kinda funny if I went up to the checkout with three bottles of shitty wine and a box of chocolates. And, of course, that got me thinking even harder...just what combination of things could I buy that would really freak people's shit out? Or at least make their little eyes widen a bit. I could put together a little sack of props and have different articles of clothing in the car so I could even add to the situation.

And then I was, like, ohmigod! Now I totally have plans for Valentine's Day!

The Process of Project is long and arduous. I will keep you updated. Unless I forget about it or lose interest. Cuz that happens. A lot.

Random thought to end this entry- My duck is so much cooler than I am.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06