Yo ho - 07.22.03 - 2:14 am

So it's over.

The play went OK, I guess, but was the perfect definition of anticlimactic. I really don't feel like talking about it as talking about it would require a lot of filler.

All day and during the performance, I just felt, well...really fucking horrible. At the risk of sounding GAWTH, there was just this overbearing sadness that was pulling at my bones and I kept coming thisclose to messing up my eye makeup. Stupid, non-waterproof mascara.

But you don't want to hear about that.

And the talk-back session that I was so fearing? No big deal. Nobody had anything to say to me. The guy in charge that night kept trying to get conversation started by asking me a question and I just mumbled some lengthy ramble which didn't make sense at all. Now that I think about it, there were a million and one Pirates of the Caribbean quotes I could have used. For example:

"mumblemumbleblahvisionblahmycritiqueblahmumble. And then they made me their chief."


Before I change the subject, I just want to say that I fucking love my friends and you, too. Yes. I'm pretty sure I would have been a stupid mess by the end of the night if it weren't for everybody being there. Well, OK, I was a stupid mess, but I didn't do anything stupid. Wee!

Afterwards, May and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. 4th time! We rule!

I fucking love that movie. It makes me happy when all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry my stupid gothic eyes out.

Pirates of the Caribbean- It's better than electroshock therapy.

I need to sleep now.

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My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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