As do I - 07.24.03 - 2:07 am

And things remain calm.

May picked me up from work and we went back to her house to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas while drinking beer. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but K had this huge admiration/obsession with Hunter S. Thompson. He got kicked out of his house as soon as he turned 18 and ended up at Best Friend's place until they moved to California. She told me that she would wake up in the morning to K watching either Fear & Loathing or Where the Buffalo Roam and drinking whiskey. She said that he was "learning" from them and, sure enough, K adopted several HST mannerisms.

So, yeah. Fear & Loathing and booze. It was a good thing to do tonight.

Anyway, Thursday is the day my dad and I go see Pirates of the Caribbean together. I have all day to figure out the following things:

-How not to light up a cigarette immediately upon exiting the theatre.

-SILENT awe.

-How not to repeatedly poke the person I'm with and hiss "Dude! DUDE!" when Captain Jack Sparrow wiggles.

-The art of self-control if my father does not find the film as wonderful as I do and attempts to argue with me about it. Because he will argue with me about it. A lot.

-How to trick him into buying me food.

He'd better not bitch out on me, either.

OK, I want to sleep and I haven't finished listening to my new Tom Waits' album.

Oh, wait!

I was at check-in tonight and talking to one of my coworkers. This particular coworker is my adopted Florida grandma and I love her. Anyway, this very tiny prim and proper eightysomething woman comes up and says she wants to buy a bag-o-paperbacks from the lobby. It's something like 10 for a dollar. My coworker and the lady start talking about what a great deal that is or some other thing that elderly people enjoy discussing and I continue doing my check-in thing.

As the woman leaves the library to pick up her bag-o-books, she calls over her shoulder, "I hope they're RAUNCHY!" and cackles. Loudly.

I damn near pissed myself, I was laughing so hard. And then my adopted Florida grandma says, "But, Molly! Those are the best kind!"

Nights like this, I am reminded of why I enjoy working with the public. And people in general.

I really, really hope I'm that cool when I'm eighty.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06