And I'm like, that's cool - 06.02.03 - 11:12 pm

This entry is being brought to you by soda and the Buzzcocks song "Just Lust".

This weekend was spent in Cocoa Beach with May and her brother. You should all seriously go read May's entry about the trip. She did a fucking awesome job capturing the moment or whatever. Kinda makes me glad I didn't update last night since I would have forgotten two thirds of what made the weekend so awesome. Read! Read! Read!

Not only did we see dolphins twice but there was this huge fucking ray swimming, like, two feet away from us. It was so neat. I wanted to catch it and use it as a floaty. But that would be mean. So I didn't.

And I know that I've already ranted about this but in The Shining? Blowjob the Bear? I FUCKING HATE YOU AND YOU MAKE ME WANT TO KILL. That is all.

Since you all are going to read May's entry about this weekend, I won't bother to repeat what she has already written about. Yes, I am truly that lazy.

Oh shit. I need to take a vitamin.

Anyway, I had to be at work at noon on Sunday, so we were planning on falling asleep, passing out, what the fuck ever, at a semi-decent time so we could leave early enough to get me there on time. Of course, the Saturday Night Live rerun had to be the one with Kelso and his tighty-whiteys, so you know May and I were all up in that shit. Then the Jimmy Fallon/Kelso manlove? Oh, yes. How can a girl sleep after seeing that beauty? Hmm? I was telling a story, wasn't I?

I think it was around 1:30 when May went to bed and I went outside to sit on the motel balcony and smoke. May's brother joined me and we ended up talking for, like, hours. OK, so maybe it was only an hour. I don't know. I lost my watch.

It was one of those conversations that freaks out all over the place and you end up saying, "How the hell did we get on this subject?" And then you just shrug and continue talking. I'm sure it didn't help that both of us were slightly under the influence, but whatever.

That boy is so fucking cool.

Anyhoo, between May and I, there are many pictures so keep your eye out for that shit.

I have been writing this thing for hours. Or one hour. Whatever. Like I said, I know no time.

OK, I'm kind of wanting to talk about Jerkface right now, but I can't exactly find the words. He's just...I don't know. Bitch needs to call me, though. Preferably while I'm drunk. Which he should just assume is all the time now.


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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06