And then the punches flew - 06.04.03 - 11:59 pm

OH MY GOD. BARRY MANILOW BROKE HIS NOSE. Poor Barry Manilow! I can't fucking believe it! The nose! Is broken! Cuz he walked into a wall! He still manages to keep up that sassy sense of humor, though. What a champ, that Barry Manilow.

That picture's going to give me fucking nightmares, though. Christ. He looks like that guy from Star Trek whose name I can't remember cuz I'm not a fucking nerd, alright? I just saw a poster once. In this really nerdy guy's room. And then I kicked him in the head cuz he was so goddamn nerdy. Yeah. Really.

Hi. This is me pretending that I don't want to cry/puke until I pass out from exhaustion.

My grandfather, it seems, has checked himself into an assisted living facility. He did this because my mom was no longer "taking care of (him)." My mom was no longer taking care of him because he kicked her out and told her never to come back. He kicked her out and told her never to come back because she wouldn't give him back his gun. The end.

Some people that befriended my grandfather or whatever have decided to hold a garage sale to sell all of the stuff in the house. They cleaned the place out sometime today. My mom went over there to hopefully salvage some of my grandmother's possessions, but it was too late. I'm scared to find out how upset she is about this.

When I expressed my total anger towards these people for selling her things, my father said, "It's just junk, Molly. Any money they make would barely cover fixing the house up to sell." Yeah, just junk. Which explains the bile and blossoming gremlin dance party in my neck.

So for those of you keeping score at home: Not Missing- My grandfather. Missing- The dog. My grandmother's things. My grandmother's ashes.

You know what? I don't really want to talk about it anymore.

Thank you, though, for the jokes and links. They made me happy.

Anyway, then there is Jerkface. Oh, HA HA. Guess what? I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.

Oh, hey. I hate you, Sitemeter. You are so getting shanked.

Man, doesn't that suck about Barry Manilow's nose? I mean, BARRY MANILOW. God. Of all the people who deserve busted noses....

And now is when I experience sympathy and stop writing.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06