Tired and Stuff - 11.01.02 - 11:54 am

Happy All Saints Day! Man, that felt like a weird sentence to write seeing as how I am not Catholic and shit. I do like the idea behind it, though.

OK, how about this?

Happy Tattoo Day!

Anyway, I changed my layout a bit, since Halloween is over. I was thinking about making a whole new one, but fuck it. I like bats. So the bats stay. Forever. Or until I find a funny picture of a turkey. I like turkeys, too. And that's more seasonal.

Goddamn, I'm sorry. It is now a quarter after one and this is all I've been able to type. And it sucks! Look at that paragraph above this one. Shameful.

Halloween was nice. I am presently too tired to write about it, but rest assured that there were beaches, coffee, sand ghosts and monkeys involved. Drunk monkeys that swore a lot and insulted my intelligence.

NaNoWriMo officially began last night and I have...sixteen words! Six of which are my full name, followed by "the angry elf"! Woo! I rule!

Eh. I'm not worried. I have thirty days, after all.

To write 50,000 words.

Sweet fuck.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06