I'm not supposed to be talking about boys - 10.23.02 - 12:28 am

I have one of those headaches where it hurts to touch my head. I'm pretty sure that is a bad thing and I should get some sleep, BUT...

Ice-T. And Conan. Together. Having a conversation that will be sent via satellite into my home. I. Must. Watch.

When Andy Richter left, I think Ice-T should have replaced him. Seriously. Ice-T and Conan have fucking chemistry, man.

This isn't gearing up to be a weird porno idea, is it? Cuz it kind of feels like I am going in that direction. I should change the subject, and quickly, if I want to maintain the maturity level I have strived so hard to achieve.

My head pain is going down my neck and spreading across my back. Not good.

The group home came in tonight and I have the stupidest crush on the man in charge. He is way too old for me, but damn. He has all these odd tattoos on his arms and hands and I really want to ask what they mean, but I'm worried he'll get offended. Or at least annoyed because the tattoos are obviously old and he's probably heard the question a million and one times. But whatever. It's better that way. I do not need a crush on a man who is too old for me. I already have Ice-T.

But, you know, this guy has that look about him where he seems older than he really is. Too many cigarettes and late nights. Oh what the fuck am I doing? I should not be trying to justify anything or anyone. I find him attractive and interesting and that is all.

You know, right now any boy over 25 seems too old for me. I'm feeling very...young. And not ready for mature shit. Maybe it's Halloween. I don't know.

Which reminds me...I have taken to referring to LBC at work as my Super Secret Boyfriend. My coworkers find it "cute". I find it "sad" but what do I know?

Aw, hell yeah. Ice-T!

(Psst...thank you, thank you, thank you for all the input so far for my 300th entry. Keep the questions coming, please. I am already very amused.)

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06