Look, kids! Pictures! - 06.25.03 - 4:25 pm

Senseless Photo Essay!

Eat me.

This is a beauty berry bush. Or, as the hip kids call it, B Cubed. Now, I was always under the impression that the beauty berry was highly poisonous. It seems that I am wrong. Oh well. Since I enjoy pretty things that can kill your ass, I'm just going to pretend that it is deadly.


The hunter waits for the perfect moment to strike while pondering whether or not curiousity is his best weapon against a cat.


This is a magnolia tree as seen by a girl at 3 in the morning.

I had just finished my first beer of the day.

Cocoa Beach, dawn. I took this from the motel balcony right before May, her brother and I went down to the beach to watch the sunrise. We're such romantics.


The only good thing about not cutting my hair until the Hardcore Camping Trip is I can finally put my hair in a real ponytail. I fucking love ponytails, man.

Shut Up wants your brains.

Springtime by the bridge.

This is the old bridge in New York that I mentioned in this entry. Top contender for one of the coolest places I've ever smoked a cigarette. I love that fucking bridge.

Springtime on the street.

Spring in New York as seen from my babci's driveway. Look at all that goddamn pretty stuff.

The End of the Senseless Photo Essay

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