Dinner w/Adults - 12.15.01 - 1:05 am

(open letter to all my parent's friends and coworkers, my friend's parents, and the neighbors that i wouldn't be speaking to except that tis the season)


I am not 16. I am one month shy of twenty.

I graduated (yes, graduated) from high school two years ago.

I am not in college.

I have no plans on going to college.

Ignore my mom disagreeing w/me.

I want to write and nothing else. Stories. Not newspaper articles or poetry. This is my Long Term Goal, and if my high school guidance counselor can accept it, so can you.

Yeah, I know I'll need a backup source of income. That's why God(dess) created waitressing and gave me a modest sense of living standards.

Don't make those 'Ain't she cute?' noises w/the accompanying look of 'Ain't she naive?' when I tell you I want to be a writer.

I like being single. Boys are dorks. So am I, for that matter. So don't try to set me up w/a nephew, little brother, step-brother, neighbor, etc..

I AM NOT 16.

Thank you, and a Merry fucking Christmas.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06