You want me to explain what?! - 03.30.02 - 12:55 am

First, I must don the velvet purple hat and gold medallions and pimp. She kicks more ass than a donkey. Go read her diary. She loves John Waters and knows why it would be a bad idea for Peter Jackson to win an Oscar. Plus, she's a damn good writer.


For the first time since the birth of this journal, I have edited an entry.

The one before this was totally boycentric and kinda pathetic. I have decided that I don't want to waste space by rambling about old flames and stupid questions.

So, I apologize. This kinda small entry was once a meaty voyage into the fuckedupness caused by hormones. But I can't subject any of you to that. It's sad. And embarassing. And kinda boring.

Christ, I'm not in a writing mode tonight and it shows.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06