Wearing their purples and their whites - 06.06.02 - 11:17 pm

You know, I'm really starting to hate drugs. I mean, I know they suck and tear apart lives and kill, but I'm all about the education. Accurate and honest education, that is. I pretty much stopped doing them years ago and my friends who still use have begun to quit, too. But these goddamn rock stars: STOP WITH THE DRUGS ALREADY. Christ. You should know that being a rock star automatically ups your chances of ODing, right? You mean it doesn't? Well, shit, I wouldn't have guessed cuz THEY KEEP FUCKING DYING.

All the good rock stars are dropping like flies while people like Sammy fucking Hagar are still living large. And why? It's not fair. I'll bet you a million dollars that Scott Stapp will live to be 98 and still be touring. Fucker.

OK. I'm agitating myself. And that isn't as fun as it sounds.


My little brother graduated today and I actually went to the ceremony despite knowing it would be a semi-high school reunion.

High school wasn't the high point in my life, in case you're wondering.

Anyway, the ceremony was as nice as this town can give and I'm all proud of my little brother. Except, like me, I think he viewed today as more of a celebration of getting out than actually graduating. Does that make sense? He's happier that it's over than he is about successfully completing high school. The only difference between us is he wanted a ceremony to prove it.

Have I ever mentioned that I didn't attend my graduation ceremony? Yeah. I'm not big on shit like that. I don't like funerals either. I think it's the whole having a ceremony to state something that bothers me. For me, it's pointless. Now, if anyone had asked me to attend, I would have been there front and center, but no one did. They didn't want to be there either.

Unfortunately, my mom doesn't seem to believe that I actually graduated high school because I never walked. She needs the ceremony to believe the cause.

I sometimes wonder where I came from.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06