High, Low - 06.18.02 - 12:29 am

I really should be sleeping right now.

I'm dizzy and my head is heavy and yet here I sit in the glow of the computer, typing out an entry cuz I have to write something tonight other than notes in library patrons' records.

Low point of the day: The computers would sporadically go down at work and we couldn't do a damn thing except check out books. Try telling that to a million and one people who believe that you only exist to serve them. Interesting sidenote- I almost typed 'sever' instead of 'serve'. Freudian slip much? It was also storming and storms make people angry cuz this is FLORIDA and it's supposed to be SUNNY so make it shine, serf. Why are snowbirds allowed to get cards? That's what I want to know.

High point(s) of the day: I shopped. Efficiently. I got clothes in less than 30 minutes. Go me!

LBC came in again and was looking all cute and wet.

I saw Mr. Semen again. Hee.

I've gotten lots of input about this entry. You guys seriously rock my world. I'm going to write you all emails soon.

Anyway, I'm going to be changing this diary around soon. I'm still deciding whether or not to do it for the 200th entry or the one year anniversary. Both will probably come around the same time, though. Or maybe not.

First, and most importantly, I'm changing the name. No Boys Allowed has served me well, except it's become pretty obsolete. When I started this, I thought about boys a lot and had to force myself not to write about them. Now, I'm not forcing myself to do anything and only write about boys every once in awhile. I have the new names narrowed down and I may even set up a poll. Too bad I don't believe in democracy and that'll probably never happen. I'll think about it.

Second, I'm changing the layout. I actually designed my own and like it OK. I just bought a Gold Membership so I'll add a possible image. Maybe.

And lastly. I'm putting together a page that lists a lot of entries and what they pertain to. Like an index or table of contents. I think this is a good idea. Maybe.

Everything is maybe right now. Except the fact that I'm changing things around soon.

Shit. Now that I've written about it, I'll probably end up doing it all tomorrow. I don't know.


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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06