Storm - 07.22.02 - 1:14 pm

Big storm is coming. It's one those kinds that I can feel. The temperature is 89 degrees, but the heat index is 104. I don't know how that is possible, but I think it means bad weather.

I wonder when I should start herding in the poultry.

My big bear dog is cowering under the computer desk and drooling on my feet. Meanwhile, the puppy is outside basking in the fading sun.

Anyway, I got beads today! They also sent me a free gift of "fiber optic cat eye" beads. They're very bright, but I'm sure I'll find something to use them for.

Maybe I'll make a little bracelet for my friend's baby.

Now I'm thinking about the bracelet swap and wondering if I'm going about it the wrong way. I mean, I read everyone's diary on a regular basis, have exchanged emails, and May has been my friend for years and years. But what about everyone else? Do you know each other?

You know what? I'm going to shut up now. This would probably be better for an email. Maybe I should make a different diary for posting shit and stuff.

Look at the word usage, kids. I'm a regular Salinger today, aren't I?

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06