Andrew WK Hair - 07.26.02 - 12:50 pm

It is done.

The hair is cut, the dye is setting, and I feel no remorse.

I mean, shit, I sent out a writing sample including a part of a script that I wrote in an hour. I felt anxious and almost didn't do it, but I did.

And I deserve to play w/my hair.

So there.

As per suggestion, the first song I listened to was "Cut Your Hair" by Pavement. And, dudes, that is a very good song to listen to while cutting your hair. Thank you.

The rest of the time, I listened to Andrew WK. My best friend warned me that I might end up w/"Andrew WK hair" but does that really sound so bad? I didn't think so.

Now I'm eating cold tortellini and waiting, waiting until I can wash this shit out of my hair.

It's kind of a bad mix...the fumes from the dye and food. I feel a little pukey.

OK, cigarette break. Cross your fingers that I don't accidentally ignite my head. This shit seems kinda flammable.

PS: I apologize for any typos. I'm not wearing any glasses or contacts, so the screen is just one giant blur.

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