Call Me, Call Me, Call Me - 07.31.02 - 11:36 pm


He still hasn't called and now I regret giving him my number.

This is bad, you see, cuz 'tis better to regret the things you didn't do rather than what you did. That is supposed to be my motto and here I am, regretting giving a boy my phone number.

This sucks. And I'm a total fucking geek. And I don't know how to act when I see him again. And, yeah, this sucks.

I wish I didn't build up people so much in my head so that when they don't show any interest in me, it hurts more than it should. This is really nothing and I'm acting like it's the worst thing to happen all year.

Have I mentioned that this sucks? And I'm a geek?

Anyway, tomorrow I will be going to look at a car. To buy. For myself.

Yeah, I don't have my license yet and driving still gives me palpitations, but whatever. We like to do things backwards in my family (my brother got his own car a month before he even had his learner's permit).

Plus, it's only five hundred dollars.

And, no, it's not a mobile piece of shit. My mom's coworker's father-in-law can no longer drive, so he's selling the car for cheap. It's red, a Plymouth, and has a tape deck. I'm down w/that.

Christ, this is my Friday and I'm starting to nod off at the keyboard. I should be out celebrating the end of my work week or some such shit. Instead, I am going to bed. Party on.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

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My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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