More fun with the lord - 12.04.02 - 2:07 am

Last night? Ha. Go read May's entry for the details. I am presently too skeeved out to write anything and, honestly, she did a much better job at describing the situation than I could ever do at 2 in the morning.

Although, she did forget to mention one thing: he gave us lots of candy. Candy which is currently sitting in my bag, never to be eaten because I am worried he did some weird voodoo spell on it and I, not going to type it. Sorry. Seriously, though. Those Jolly Ranchers are looking a little hexed.

Anyway, I'm better. Kinda. I'm back to that weird haze of not really being aware of humanity. If that makes sense. It's like when you read a very good book in one sitting and feel like you are part of it. Except there is no good book, just me and this blurry shit going on around me.

Shit. I just splashed Cherry Coke on the keyboard. Sorry.

I guess you could call this disassociation and there's a proper medical term for it, but I'm too apathetic to look it up. And I think it has to do more with the body and not feeling like it's yours than not feeling like you're part of something as vast as society.

It's so weird, though...I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, actually. And part of the reason why is because I still can't find the right words to describe it. I hate when that happens.

This is all over the place.

A couple days ago, on the way home from work, I saw a bumper sticker that said "Yes Lord, We Will Ride With You." My father had to lock the power windows to keep me from sticking my head out and yelling "Your bumper sticker is grammatically incorrect!" He couldn't keep me from waving and mouthing the words, though. And I know that commas and I don't mesh well, but even I can tell that that is some fucked-up punctuation. And in the name of the Lord! I'm sure even Jesus knew elementary comma usage. For shame.

Hee. I just thought about tracking down that Windstar, crossing out Lord and writing Nelly in its place. Hee hee. That would be funny.

Say goodnight, Molly.


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