That girl, that girl - 07.01.03 - 12:37 pm

I think I would like a boy who, when he hears a really good song, calls his friends and plays it for them.

And then gets mad if they're not as excited as he is.

I've been up since 8. Four hours of sleep. Diseased. 666 COLD MEDICINE. There are many things I've been thinking about this morning.

For example, I should make a mixtape that mentions scary things. Like werewolves, monsters and the word PANTIES. It would be pretty cool.

Also, my hens are bitches.

Did you say "rabbit, rabbit" this morning? I did, I did! And now my chest feels like it's full of cement and I want to kill. A lot. And maybe puke a little, too.

Me getting over Jerkface seems to have set itself in motion and I have no idea how this happened. I just feel...different. Or maybe the secret to getting over boys is to think about the past a lot and obsess over unfixable regrets. Then when you start to feel bad about the boy, you're like "What the fuck? I'm more upset over this other thing so why am I wasting time thinking about him?" Somehow this puts shit in perspective and you don't think about the boy so much. Yeah, that's the secret for getting over boys. Shhh. You didn't hear that little trick from me, ladies and homosexuals.

It is now time for me to fight death with more 666 COLD MEDICINE.


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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06