Those dam gates - 06.23.03 - 3:27 am

It had been raining for 7 days. The ground is squishy and everything looks very green against the grey backdrop. The roof-leak count at the library is up to six and we've resorted to garbage bags taped to the ceiling in a complicated manner. The fact that is actually works proves that library ladies are geniuses. Or that God fears us and makes the rain fall away from the holes.

I ordered some lacy under things on the in-ter-net a week ago and they haven't arrived yet. This makes me sad. I enjoy getting PANTIES in the mail. Except, with all this rain, they'll probably end up sitting on my front stoop, becoming MOIST PANTIES.

Oh, come on. How can you hate someone who knows all the words to "He's So Fine"? Seriously. So what if those two words make people flinch for no goddamn reason? MOISTPANTIESMOISTPANTIESMOISTPANTIES.

Doo lang, doo lang, doo lang.

I'm pretty sleep right now. Rejoice.

So about this rain. There's this giant lake in Florida and it's freaking out with all this brand-new water. Since you can't hug a lake, the people were going to open the floodgates and relieve the lake of its inner turmoil. Except, oh snap! One of the gates wouldn't go up. It looked like the dam was gonna burst, people were evacuated, news channels were crawling all over the story like maggots on a totally dead thing, you know.

Finally, they got the gate up and the resulting rush of water will haunt my dreams.


The lovely newscaster with scary eyebrows was interviewing one of the residents on the lake. I'm not sure of the conversation leading up to this cuz I was too busy fearing the eyebrows, but I heard the newscaster say:

"So when did they get the dam gates up?"

I will never know when they got the dam gates up for my mother doubled over in laughter, repeatedly saying, "Those dam gates! Ha ha! Dam water and the dam gates!"

This went on for the next ten minutes.

My mom is getting some much needed rest right now.

So, yeah. Rest sounds nice. Maybe my lacy under things will be here when I wake up.

(Psst- The following people have made me very happy in the last 48 hours and I will now offer a public display of gratitude. Thank you, Amy, Mary, Sarah, Mangus, and Matt. You can't see it right now, but I am totally making adoring eyes at you.)

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06