Take me away - 03.28.03 - 2:30 am

You know what? I was going to start this entry off with more whining about how I should start sleeping more, but what's the point? Come tomorrow night, I will be in the exact same place, saying the exact same thing. This journal is ODing on the redundancy. Do I even update this thing during the day anymore? That's what I'll do tomorrow. Update when the sun is out.


It's good to have goals.

Anyway, May, Jen and I went to The Pool Hall tonight and damn, do I need practice. I used to be good, you know, but something horrible happened and now I am a 5'7" black hole of sucking. I even tried playing without my glasses since I realized that the sucking began when I started wearing them instead of contacts. Except that only made it very hard to tell which balls were striped and which were solid and yeah. I must regain my hustler skills. Pool was my only athletic activity.

Dear god, the cramps. THE CRAMPS. Oh, that reminds me. The Cramps are coming and, this time, I won't be sick and miss the show.

I actually had a story for tonight but I need to write it out first as I must do it justice. I tried to type it out in this box, but it didn't work.

New subject, then!

Last night, I bought a book about the best tent camping sites in Florida and have been drooling over it all day.

I cannot put into words how much I want to go camping right now. Seriously. I need to get the fuck out of this cement flood and climb some trees and shit. I want to cook over a fire and wake up to birds, not rude kids calling each other gay at the bus stop by my house. I want nature and sun and walking for hours without seeing more than three people.

I want to sleep on the fucking ground and wake up with bruises in the shape of roots on my back.

No TV, no radio, no newspapers.


Now I feel like crying. I am seriously losing my shit, I think. No. Wait. I'm on the rag. That means this is normal, right? In a few days, I'll be my sunny self again. Woo fucking hoo.

I'll still really want to go camping, though.

Someone get me the fuck out of here.

(PS- I made Mushrooms en Croute tonight. It was good. I should be getting mad amounts of ass cuz my skills with puff pastry are so grand. Seriously. You hear that, Jimmy Fallon? I can manipulate your puff pastry, baby. Any time you want.)

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06