I'm hungry - 05.26.03 - 3:35 am

I am home. I have been home for just over twenty-four hours and hey! Look at that! I'm not gnawing at my wrists!

Oh, I need to stop that. It's not so bad to be home. I mean, on the way back from the airport with May and Jen, we saw this one dude who had gotten pulled over and there were like, three bottles of booze sitting on the roof of his car. Hard shit, too. He was handcuffed and swaying and the police were checking his pupils. I'll bet you ten dollars that he will be on a future episode of COPS. I mean, every other damn episode takes place in Florida. It's about time I am able to say, "Dude, I was totally there! Kinda."

So yeah. Not even thirty minutes on Florida soil and I see my first drunk driver. Christ. Good to be back.

Wait, I said I was going to stop, didn't I?

Anyway, New York. It was good, of course. I hung out with my grandma and we watched the Food Network. We talked politics and I told her many ducks stories. I took a few pictures of this weird season called spring and listened to a lot of Canadian radio. I did not get my cheese sandwich.

God, I want to get to bed. Why am I still writing?

I only got to see my closest cousin for like, ten minutes. My uncle took me to see him at work and I found out the we both have tattoos of the moon and stars on our upper arms. I wasn't able to show him mine the last time I was there since I was wearing nine shirts and I completely forgot to mention it. He had just gotten his about a month ago and, like me, was trying really hard not to have his parents find out, especially his dad. We made fun of each other for a bit.

Anyway, my cousin had called me that morning while I still asleep. He spoke to my aunt and when I woke up, I learned of the following conversation:

Cousin- Is Molly there?

Aunt- Yeah, but she's still asleep.

Cousin- OK. I'll call later, then. I wanted to talk to her before she left cuz I got roped into working today and I'm in a funeral procession right now....

Aunt- What?! You're calling from a funeral procession?

Cousin- It's not like I'm driving or anything.

Yeah, my cousin fucking rocks.

OK, I know there's more I wanted to talk about, but I really need to start sleeping again. There's some more travel shit here, if you're really interested. It's just about boring shit, though.

I post some pictures tomorrow, I think.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06