NaNoWriWe - 11.13.02 - 1:07 am

I really need to get cracking with the NaNoWriMo novel. Christ. Maybe I should just say fuck it for the next week and do NaNoWriWe (National Novel Writing Week). Yeah, that's real fucking smart.

Although...that would be fun in a "I don't need no goddamn sanity" kind of way. I think I'll do it.

Anyway, I think I'm going to make this short because I have a new book to read. It's called Hell Hath No Fury or I think that's what it's called, but I can't be sure because it's not in my line of vision right now. It's a bunch of break-up/fuck you letters written by women and I've been in a pissy letter type of mood lately.

And since we're on the subject of letters and there's not been nearly enough Jimmy Fallon in this diary as of late, here is a note I wrote him last Saturday:

Dear Jimmy Fallon,

You remember how you made that joke about Jeb! and snack foods tonight and nobody laughed? Well, I laughed, Jimmy Fallon. I laughed hard.

Love and other indoor sports,

Molly X

(PS: I can tie a cherry stem into a knot using my tongue.)

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