More Helicopters - 10.11.02 - 1:29 pm

Again, with the helicopters. Except this time, there is only one, but it is a Sheriff-brand helicopter so you know something dramatic is going on.

Over and over, again, this thing has flown over my house. It started at about 12:45. Seeing as how it's been forty-five minutes and not a single news helicopter has shown up, maybe it's not as dramatic as my head is making it out to be.

They should seriously have one of those banner things trailing behind like you see at the beach all the time, saying whatever it is that they are doing. Like "I am tracking an armed robber" "I am staking out a crack house" or "I am joyriding". It's not like they have a cover to blow or anything. I mean, there's this big, noisy hunk of black metal flying around and around. I seriously doubt a huge-ass banner would make any difference.

I wonder if my brother would like to go on a mission to see what's up. We could take the dogs. No. That's stupid and I apologize. Sorry.

So, yeah, last night May, her brother and I were driving around town, looking at shit. Cuz that's what you do here on a Thursday night. Drive around and look at shit.

Anyway, we were at a red light when May mentions that the three boys in the car next to us are staring in our direction. I look over and they motion for me to roll down the window. I do and the conversation was as follows:

Boy: What are you doing?

Molly: Driving around.

Boy: Do you girls want to come back to my place and drink some liquor?

Molly: No, thank you. Sorry!

May: You don't have to apologize for not wanting to go their house, Molly.

So they drove off. Poor May's brother was just sitting in the back seat the whole time. I told him he should have stuck his out of the window and said "I do!"

The next time I'm complaining about no one making out with me, I want you to say, "But Molly! You could have drunkenly made out with complete strangers who may or may not be psychotic! I don't want to hear it!"

And I will hang my head in shame.

Goddamn, that helicopter noise is droning. It's making my head feel funny.

(PS: I've had tofu pad thai for every single meal since dinner on Wednesday. I think this means I rule. Or will die of malnutrition by nightfall. Whatever.)

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06