Well, I did want to get scared... - 10.17.02 - 1:28 am

Guess whose dumb ass decided to read Legion by William Peter Blatty today? Consequently, guess whose dumb ass imagination is running wild tonight?

The answer is obvious or else I wouldn't be writing about it, so I won't bother stating it.

OK, I will.


I felt disgusting when I woke up this morning and decided that feeling disgusting is reason enough to stay home from work, so stay home from work I did. This decision was also influenced by the fact that it was almost chilly and kind of windy and I wanted to completely immerse myself in the autumn weather. So instead of being locked up in the library all night, I locked myself in my room and read books.

The first one was The Homing by John Saul, which was recommended by a lady I work with on Tuesdays. The amount of ass it sucked was astonishing. I'm sure it could be a very well-liked book seeing as how Saul is a pretty damn popular author, but I had to force myself to finish it. Nothing particularly stood out as the Cause of Suck...the whole thing was just very...blah.

I should limit my ellipse-usage when bashing books, shouldn't I?

Anyway, I was disappointed since the lady who recommended it said it was very scary and I wanted to be scared, goddamnit. The plot revolved around insects, for fuck's sake. I don't care what anyone says. Bugs are not scary.

Then, when I finished that, I picked up Legion.

Blatty, by the way, wrote The Exorcist. Exorcist 3 (the movie) was based on Legion.

For the record, Exorcist 3 fucked my shit up. Bad. That was one of the few movies that actually kept me awake at night, days after I had watched it. That lady crawling on the ceiling? Eek. The hooded figure with the giant decapitation shears? Fucking EEK. I'm all about the subtlety. OK, so that's not really subtle. What word am I looking for? Suspense? Creepiness? You know what I mean.

As with Exorcist the book, Legion is scarier than the movie. Maybe because Blatty leaves a lot up to your imagination, which leads to things that no camera could ever capture. Also, the movie strays quite far from the book (Holy shit! They do that?) and I like the book's ending much better.

So, yeah. Kinda creeped out, mind is reeling, am eating Chex Mix and feeding the pretzels to whichever dog is closest.

I think I'll sleep on the floor with the dogs in my parent's room tonight.

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