V is not for victory but for the vacant homes - 09.11.03 - 12:12 pm

Man, I should be doing everything but writing in here today. So much to do and my dumb ass accidentally fell asleep when I went to my room for a cigarette break last night. I mean, I guess it's cool and all that I fell asleep when I wasn't even trying, especially since I've been averaging about four hours per night for the past week, but fuck. I have shit to do. I can't be fucking sleeping like a loser.

Anyway, tomorrow we leave for the H-ARR!-dcore Camping Trip. Have you ever seen a girl implode from sheer excitement? Stick around.

Last night at work, I was babbling about the camping trip and my supervisor says, "Please come back civilized." I just smiled and nodded. They'll be lucky if I'm still utilizing the English language when I come back, instead of what I'm sure will be a system of highly complex grunts and obscene hand gestures May and I will devise when talking gets to be too difficult.

Man, May and I will be so so fucking awesome when we come home. Pretty, too.

I need a hat. Don't let me forget that. And the butterfly knife.

Anyway, you know what I like? When your stomach hurts from laughing so much and smoking cigarettes outside the diner at night gives you goosebumps. You could feel fall last night and, when I came home at a quarter to four, Orion was barely skimming the horizon. I tried not to think about what it will be like when Orion rises with the moon in a couple months and finished my cigarette on the hood of my mom's truck.

I want to write about everything, but there's just too much.

Anyway, in May's entry earlier today, she wondered when I would tell you all who I was holding hands with under the diner table last night.

So it seems that this crush I've had on her brother is mutual and when people ask me how I'm doing, I'm not telling filthy lies when I say, "Good."

He is so fucking awesome.

OK, like 20 minutes passed between that sentence and this one. I keep dorking out and smiling at shit instead of typing words on here.

I gotta get ready for CAMPING.

See you in nine days.

<<< TOP >>>

Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

I ain't no Alex Trebek - 01.11.06