Super Fun Road Trip With My Mom- Part Two - 09.19.02 - 11:56 pm

Super Fun Road Trip With My Mom Photo Essay

Part Two

(click here for the first part.)

10:30- We are now driving through a very rural part of central Florida. They ended up re-routing all of the north-bound I-75 traffic onto a two lane highway. We called my dad and had him look at the FHP website to see what was up. It seems a horse trailer and a semi collided and some other cars got all tangled up, too. I-75 N. is closed off until the next exit several miles down the road. This sounds horrible, but the first thing I thought was "I hope the horses are OK." Anyway, no more dwelling. I really like the rural parts of Florida. You would think that it would be boring but everything is colorful and...quirky. Lots of odd paint jobs and yard statues. There are dozens of old Chevys decaying in the woods and signs with misspelled words at the churches. This is why I like Florida. This oddness in the middle of nowhere.

11am- Back on 75 and Bruce Springsteen is still singing along to the wheels. Some fuckhead painted over the "Geto Boys '91" grafitti on the overpass. That used to be the highlight of my trips to north Florida. I hate people.

You see that in the mirror? That was at noon on a major FLA interstate. Freaked my shit out something mighty. It was almost surreal.

I stopped writing the time- I also hate Gainesville. This place leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know why. Are whole cities supposed to give you bad vibes? Even their Tar-git made me feel dizzy and out of place. Ugh. This is a town that I would love to leave forever.

- Blow away the dreams that break your heart. Blow away the dreams that tear you apart. THIS IS A REMINDER, MOLLY: Buy Boss tickets when you get back.

- I just saw a billboard advertising "Ugly Florida T-Shirts $5." Hee.

- Georgia smells funny.

The sign says "We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind".

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