Eek and OK - 07.28.02 - 10:42 pm

OK, May will be here shortly and we're off to the pool hall for a couple games.

Then we're going to the diner where I will be shamelessly ditched by a boy whom I've said probably a dozen words to.

OK, sorry.

I get self-depreciating when nervous.


I have my happy jeans and my way pretty happy bracelet and, in my bag, that Bad Religion album that never fails to cheer me up.

I also have two packs of Camels and two lighters (cherry red and salmon, if you're curious). Ha.

I am so getting stood up.

OK, again, sorry.

Would it be too much to ask for some good luck vibes? At least don't-puke-on-his-shoes vibes.


I'm off.

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Forever 23, my ass - 01.25.06

P-Nutz - 01.20.06

My nose hurts - 01.16.06

And really bad eggs - 01.13.06

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