Ekttthh - 10.29.02 - 3:54 pm

Yesterday was the three year anniversary of my grandmother's death. I kept wanting to cry even though I was too tired to even think about anything, and I finally did around 10pm.

It didn't really feel like anything, by the way.

Also yesterday, I got to listen to this lady's answering machine message which was all hellfire and brimestone and "Jesus loves you BUT...". The machine suddenly cut her off, which surprised me, so she may have a message from the library which begins "Blahblahblahblah."

I didn't see LBC yesterday, but I did cut & dye my hair, so it was OK. Sort of. Not really. Neat hair does make a girl continuously content, I know now.

I want Halloween to be cool this year and it makes me teary-eyed to think that it may not. Because I'm not feeling it. At all.

Maybe I should start adding orange food coloring to everything I cook. That'll get me in the spirit.

Or maybe I should just get in the spirit. The gin and juice variety.

Fuck. I have to get ready for work.

Party on, Wayne.

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